
太阳2平台是一个机会均等和平权行动的雇主,致力于提供一个没有歧视的工作场所, harassment, 以及不尊重他人或其他不专业的行为. This includes discrimination, harassment, 以及基于种族的不尊重或其他不职业的行为(包括历史上与种族相关的特征), including, but not limited to, 发质和保护性发型), color, creed, sex (including pregnancy, childbirth, 母乳喂养或相关疾病), gender, 性别认同(包括跨性别认同和过渡), 性别表达和性别刻板印象, age, sexual orientation, 国籍(包括语言使用和根据加州车辆法规第12801节发给无证人员的驾驶执照的保护使用).9), ancestry, 宗教(包括宗教信仰的各个方面), observance, 宗教服饰及仪容习惯), 婚姻或登记同居伴侣身份, 服兵役和退伍军人身份, physical or mental disability, 医疗状况(包括遗传特征和癌症或癌症记录或病史), genetic information, 或任何其他受法律保护的阶层. 学院还禁止基于某人是受保护阶层的成员或与受保护阶层的成员有联系的看法的歧视和骚扰.

Consistent with applicable law, the College will provide reasonable accommodations to (a) otherwise qualified applicants and employees with disabilities; (b) pregnant employees who request an accommodation for pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions; (c) employees who are the victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking; and (d) applicants and employees based on their religious beliefs, observance and practice.

In addition, 学院禁止对提出歧视或骚扰投诉或参与有关此类投诉的工作场所调查的个人进行报复.

本政策适用于所有雇佣条款和条件, including, but not limited to, hiring, training, promotion, discipline, compensation, 福利和终止雇佣关系. 认真遵守这一政策是所有员工的责任.

浏览有关书院处理歧视投诉的内部程序, harassment, and retaliation, 请参阅学院的禁止歧视, 骚扰和报复政策可在以下网址查阅: http://14u9.kkkk0505.com/human-resources/policies-procedures-and-guidelines/.

以下人员被指定为第九章和第504节合规协调员,负责处理有关学院平等机会和非歧视政策的咨询和关注, 平权行动计划和住宿要求:


Director for Human Resources


Dean of Students